"Sailor Moon"
Japan is a country, where he was born manga, now so famous all over the world and anime, especially appreciated by children and adolescents.
manga foundations were 'ukiyo' (or some kind of Japanese woodcut paintings and called "image flow of the world" ) and the eastern style of drawing. Initially, this style aroused much controversy and conflicting opinions, by many today is favored and chosen for its simple message and a kind of "unchecked" .
Today manga is a long, often up to 400-pages comic books, whose content focuses mainly on black and white drawings, and text is only a small part of the transfer. By the expression, a characteristic notch manga oozes emotion. Another regularity such is the way of comic-reading from the end of the book to its beginning.
With the development of manga sees the first animated films based on figures from the comics, or anime, which at the end of the twentieth century spread across the world.
characteristic drawing style of anime is (as there are large eyes, clearly marked with emotion, facial features), variety, lack of monothematic, openness to diverse audiences. There are animated films for children, adolescents, adults, people with different sexual orientation. Binding This is with various types of anime, such as, for example, Shojo (addressed to the girls), mechanical (movies about robots, technological progress), yaoi (gay erotic anime), bishōnen (anime where the main character is a beautiful young man), or maho Shojo (anime magical heroines), whose example would be known in Poland "Sailor Moon" , or "Sailor Moon" .
"Sailor Moon" is the story of the heroic, from the beginning a bit lazy and clumsy teenager Bunny Tsukino (the Japanese version of Usagi Tsukino). One day the world gets to her on the head and suddenly everything is changing, and this is so because a black cat Luna, who perfectly understands the problems Bunny and helps her become the main fighter, scarred as it were, to save the world from demons and dark powers. Accompanied by other fairy heroine together to combat evil. Initially, the demons are easy to control, but from episode to episode of their power is growing, there is also the Kingdom of Darkness.
struggle of two opposing worlds "Sailor Moon" stands before me today, because as a child, I watched almost every episode of this movie. In the anime of my childhood, I see some advantages but also disadvantages. Plus "Sailor Moon" is, inter alia excellent, rich sound binding, variable tempo introducing adrenaline (when it comes to older viewers.) To the observed defects in the film that I can include, for example, inappropriate selection of the recipient to whom it is addressed.
As is well known anime "Sailor Moon" is addressed mainly to children of primary school age. I remember that as a child watching episodes "Sailor Moon" (probably due to the prevailing fashion), and as accurately as possible with all that I can play snatches of the battle between good and evil, but willy-nilly, were full of violence and for a long time stayed in my memory . I think that has happened so the majority of children and do not necessarily have a salutary effect on them. Issuance of this kind of animation before the audience at a young age can contribute to phobia, anxiety, or indifference to human harm. Going the other way, you can fair to say that, on the other hand watching such "fairy tales" can better prepare children for life, show him that despite all the good wins. But whether
"Sailor Moon" was a good enough example to reproduce it?
recently came across a few episodes "Sailor Moon" that have never been issued in Poland because of the bloody battle and brutality that took place in them.
often hesitant Cukino Bunny does not always make them suitable choices, which is also a place in a series of well-known to us from childhood.
Can we therefore say that the anime is presented free of error and moral backbone straightens the youngest? I think it's an unambiguous answer to this question is not.
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