Friday, January 22, 2010

What Happens When Your Dog Eats Methocarbomal

Does everyone have to be Majid Tavakolim?

8.5 years prison sentence to the Court for the Islamic Revolution in Iran student activist. Majid Tavakoli was sentenced for having belonged to an association of students, and for the fact that he views other than power and was not afraid to express them publicly. Proved unsuccessful in its attempt to humiliate him by the Fars news agency, acting on behalf of the Revolutionary Guards. Dressed him in a chador (traditional women's dress in Iran) and photographed. Along with the photograph allegedly distributed the story in this outfit, hiding from the departments looking for him.

How naive was This trial showed life. After the first arrest of witnesses saw perfectly that he was taken straight from the rally, and not found as suggested in hiding. Secondly, it disguises as a woman rather than ridicule it provoked a wave of rebellion and support for the victim. Internet has been flooded with hundreds of photos of Iranian men and boys who dress in women saying "I'm Majid Tavakolim."

are very constructive responses. Much seems to indicate that power so harsh punishments, only intensifies and heightens public emotion in the people will revolt. Maybe not today, and perhaps not tomorrow, but Iran's next revolution will come. As people increasingly desire for freedom flourishes. For sure it will fight for the bloody and merciless, but I wholeheartedly believe that effective. More and more evidence suggests that Ahmadinejad should obtain the chador and be ready to be "proud" to escape as a helpless woman ...

And back to the question of the title: Does everyone have to be Majid Tavakolim? Absolutely not. It is a matter of morality and life in accordance with its rules. My tell me Yes I too am Majid Tavakolim!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

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To shoot an elephant

"... after all, of course, there was endless discussion about shooting an elephant. The owner was furious, but there was only an Indian and could not do anything. After that, the dignity of the law, acted properly. Mad elephant has to be killed as mad dog when the owner is unable to control him. "


I used the original title because it has a deeper meaning than the simpler, the Polish title of the film. The document "The shoot an elephant" is a film relationship with the Israeli Cast Lead Operations in the Gaza Strip. Do not count, however, that you will find here a direct battle scenes with the army of Israel, Hamas. First, an attempt will complete the implementation of the death of its participants. Secondly, harm the civilian population in Gaza is much more important topic. As described by the director (Alberto Arce), activists involved in its implementation decided to embed it inside the ambulance emergency medical services, though of course often go out after watching for them. Before cameras are Vittorio Arrigoni, Eva Bartlett, Ewa Jasiewicz, Leila George, Natalie and Jenny, activists such organizations like the Free Gaza Movement and International Solidarity Movement, who alone (with operating in the area organizations in the world) chose not to leave the Gaza offensive despite begun. At all times be accompanied by 24-year-old resident of Gaza Rujailah Muhammad, who, like his own words, is not just an ordinary member of the Palestinian Hamas.


Crossing Gaza during the conflict, we come in all kinds of places. Private dwelling, in which newcomers użyczono rate. Hospital where they were sitting as members of medical teams. Ambulances, which sought to to get there, where there was a possibility. Along with the people wander the streets where Israeli sniper opened fire. We see the ruined settlements and ruins of houses that are still a few days ago were inhabited. At night the windows, we can observe artillery fire and listen to the sound of guns firing. By the way, we learn that at the same time, in a completely different part of the globe, President Obama playing golf. Picture perfect, showing how the world is worried about Palestine.

Civilians Among residents can see how long they live in fear. Death and bombs are not doing here has such a great experience. On human faces painted together with the determination of fatigue. An important moment is the story of an ambulance driver Marwan'a Hamuda about his family. Calmly says that his wife and children are aware that it may die every day. Israeli soldiers target the ambulance, so it's not very safe profession. Asked if he intends to continue to work says yes, because I do die, sooner or later. Also raises issues of attitudes to death. He says that the Israelis attacking people trying to break, but the effect is quite the opposite. "And so we die, so why die in vain, since you can die in a fight with them?". And this attitude can be seen on the streets. What shocked the Western world, ceased to make an impression on the locals. Death awaits at every corner, so it does not surprise anyone. Atmosphere of expectation.

Along with a crew of one of the ambulances going in a dangerous place, look for the wounded and killed. When the two paramedics go in to take the body lying on the street, will be fired. One is wounded in the leg. Flee abandoning the body.

Before my eyes there is also a scene where a convoy of ambulances in a very dangerous move area of \u200b\u200bfighting, a 2-person crew (driver + only lifeguard / doctor) saying goodbye to the feelings we had not come back.

seeing people as one day flee their homes by the second return to them. People hide in homes that are "still standing" and in a school run by the UN. After wandering the streets of the whole family. Among them, a lot of small children who do not break down their fate. Waving and smiling at the camera. We hear of mothers who say they would like to get away, but do not have to. There is a lack of transport, and so are the boundaries closed.


Hamuda When Marwan talks about her family (the already mentioned) are in the hospital, Al Awda. We can see how the courtyard of the hospital falling rockets. shelling the hospital is hardly an act of war. In my opinion, is more suitable herein, the term terrorism.

an evening out of the window watching the heroes of the film flat as the residential blocks dropping phosphorous bombs . Their use against people is a manifest violation of international law. The Geneva Convention allows the use of these weapons only for illuminating the target or to create a smokescreen, but you can not use it against people. A few days later with the camera in the shot at the place we go and we are still burning phosphorus over time. In the street, residents tell how powerless is the man who burned down the will of such weapons. Not being able to extinguish in any way. Water is missing, but it does not matter, because as our guide tells us, poured water phosphorus burns on.

also drop bombs in Gaza's largest warehouse of the UN's assistance. In a fire burning medicines, flour, blankets and everything in Gaza is not enough. With the smoke of a million stocks take flight people. Previously, we have witnessed the bombing of a second warehouse with medicines. This picture contrasts well with the decisions of the UN. The organization has taken no action to stop the offensive, and we see how to burn the basic necessities of life, bought with her money. Even more glaring insolence and impunity to attack. Two warehouses are not destroyed by accident. Israel is in no excelled.


words uttered by Muhammad Guide Rujailah after the bombing of the UN magazine provide a good summary:

From now on I will not blame Israel, but the international community. Ustanowiliście law, which Israel breaks all the time, and you do not do anything at all.

hard to deny. Easily engage in helping victims of natural disasters, but when it comes to politics we can afford to reverse the soulless eyes. In such moments, people ruling the world are going to play golf, and UN Secretary-General writes worthless claims, because "something must be said." But I do not have any causal power'm just a careful observer of these crimes and feels complicit.

The film is directed to people interested in the question of Palestine. Is distributed for free completely legally ( torrent link). Its authors, assisted by volunteers, are trying to organize a global projection on January 18. Encourage to show it where possible. This video is irrefutable documentary evidence of human rights violations by Israel. Bombs aimed at civilian targets and civilians. It's not special effects, the Gaza Strip ...


"... after all, of course, there was endless discussion about shooting an elephant. The owner was furious, but there was only an Indian and could not do anything. After that, the dignity of the law, acted properly. Mad elephant has to be killed like a mad dog when the owner is unable to control him. "

is a fragment of an essay by George Orwell" Shooting an Elephant "in 1936. He talks about a white police officer working in Lower Burma (British India), who had been called to do the order of a raging elephant on one of the city streets. Caretaker right moves for the elephant, with plans to find him and wait for the owner. She finds the elephant the city where this calmly eating grass. In place of him coming Hindu mob two thousand inhabitants, who, amused waiting until kill an elephant. I do not want to do that, but as he says:

"The crowd would laugh at me. And my whole life, whole life of every white man in the east is an uphill battle for you not to be wyśmianym."

Finally shot an elephant. All return to their homes, entertainment was over. The only wściekającą a person is the owner who can do anything but I do because he is an Indian (not entitled to such rights).

What is the connection of this story out of Gaza? First of all, a policeman, a representative of the British occupying India, like Israel is occupying Palestine. Perhaps quietly in a meadow pożywiający elephant is the equivalent of defenseless people of Gaza, which also can be shot on sight with impunity. Fighting for your right Indian owner of an elephant, reminiscent of Palestinians calling for a hearing. But just as he was just a Hindu, so they're only Palestinians ... "Shooting an Elephant" (in English)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

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What in the world today are the rules?

recently for the second time I read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in 1948. I was wondering how urgent was the need to create this document at the time. Shortly after the bloody and cruel war in which what is forgotten concept of human rights, the world needed a breath. Themes which guided the founders were undoubtedly noble declaration. One can only regret that the document, which was became the only "international suggestion" and not international law that can be enforced. Subsequent decades have shown how flexible they can be the states which formed the backbone of the United Nations. Their decisions are rarely undertaken with a view of man. The most important is the national interest, which in a wider perspective, it becomes very dangerous trend. If, on the fact you can forget about a particular voting purposes for which the UN set up (It may be recalled as a little over a year ago the U.S. blocked a resolution calling on Israel and Hamas to cease their hostilities. As a result of the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip turned into a humanitarian disaster zone. During nearly three-week operation Cast Lead killed about 1.3 thousand Palestinians. Most of them are civilians, including at least 410 children. The Israelis lost at that time 13 people.) , why not forget about the declaration before 62 years? And, unfortunately, often it is. Basic human rights are violated in an absolutely transparent manner.

"No one shall be subjected to torture or punish, or treated in cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment." - Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

"Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. " - Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

" Everyone is entitled in full equality to the determination of his rights and obligations and the merits charge against him of committing a crime to be fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. " - Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

as looking at these articles claim to the existence of Guantanamo Bay prison, or perhaps the camp? Naming in principle does not play a major role. I do not want to leave a supporter of freedom for terrorists. In no way agree to it with my outlook, but I believe that everyone deserves a fair trial. Perhaps international crimes should be tried before the same tribunal (international), but you certainly can not condone the illegal detention and torture people. If there were detained as dangerous people, it probably would not be a problem with the proof of their sins and condemnation to the highest penalty ...

can remain silent on the terrorists, but as you can react this way to receive the basic rights of civilians in the Gaza Strip? Last week is a good time to talk about how the Palestinian Authority a year after Israel's invasion of ground troops. Lock the borders by the year they apply to the Palestinians is the recent murderous aggressor. Palestine receives ruined in this way, the right to economic reconstruction. Throughout the previous year, the Israelis have allowed 41 trucks to enter the building materials needed to rebuild homes razed to the ground. It is estimated that to rebuild the Gaza Strip need for these trucks thousand. At this rate, therefore it will take another 23 years, hoping that it does not explode for another conflict.

'World (...) power failed, betrayed and even ordinary citizens of Gaza. (...) Broke his hands and seemed to claim, but have not made the least significant steps to try to change the destructive policies to prevent reconstruction, nabraniu forces and economic recovery. " - said the executive director of the international humanitarian organization Oxfam, Jeremy Hobbs.

After one year ago failed to stem the tide of aggression, the Palestinians again left to fend for themselves. UN agency for refugee assistance alerted by the BBC recently reported that inadequate access to clean water is a direct threat to human life. Increasing infant mortality rate. What about the fact that the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calls for improving the situation in Gaza? In his speech on the anniversary of the end of the war wrote:

"Hopelessness dominates among 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, half of whom are younger than 18 years (...) fundamentally different approach to the issue of Gaza is urgent and necessary ".

Still are words that do not involve actions. Global security and basic human rights are now guaranteed by the Organization, which was created to not care. The system, which was created 24 October 1945 does not work. In my opinion, the validity of the UN has passed several years ago. Currently, this organization wandering in the dark, on the one hand, unable to cope with the demands placed in front of her tasks, the other not having the courage to admit it. Probably much easier to leave the faulty system, than to create new on such a large scale. But, as in this all have to find people? Is the only solution is to pray in the womb, that she lived in a safe part of the world?

invite you to read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its entirety here . This is not a long read. To complement the right side you can watch video of the birth of human rights throughout the history of the human species.

Caricature of course refers to the United Nations, which in English is called the United Nations. Click on it to see enlarged.

Friday, January 1, 2010

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first 01. 2010!

January 1 is a good day for it to fulfill the request of Luke, and my thoughts begin to radiate into the world. The world in this case I understand Luke, who probably will be the only reader of this blog. Why that day? Maybe it's because exactly 45 years ago established the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Maybe today to commemorate the victims of assault during the volleyball match Lakki Marwat in North-West Frontier Province in Pakistan. What if we break down their hands over a wave of violence which is sweeping through the streets of Tehran. Middle East flowing blood of innocent people. From today, the idiot who blew himself up along with the car in Pakistan will be called a martyr for the faith. And let no, deserved a boy. His courage led to the deaths of more than 1940 fans of the retina. Do not want to recognize the wisdom of the bomber, he probably had good reason. After all, inhabitants of the village objected to, and defend against the rebels. Thus, they were traitors. Fanaticism does not tolerate compromise. The world is looking at the wave of violence and did not respond. We watch on YouTube, as security forces drift protesters in Iran. We look at how the same service on the streets unarmed pałują woman. And nothing. Absolutely nothing we can do. Nearly nine years ago, one man has made it clear to the world that stay away from Middle Eastern affairs. Although it is still the Americans, Europeans, Australians and many other nations moving to an open war in this region of the globe. In this lovely New Year's Day, I wonder how to end the year, which began celebrating. In Europe and America poured the champagne, the Middle East with blood running down the pavement ...

January 1 wonder whether Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine are open-end local wars, or (horror of horrors!) Nucleus of something bigger. The unpredictability that entails religious fanaticism, which in recent times do not even need an excuse, is appalling. For us Europeans a lesson in the former World War II. As you can see effectively taught us to live in peace. I need the Middle East to achieve this state? May 45 anniversary of the PLO is a good day to finally recognize an independent Palestine and to extinguish at least one of the fuses, which are consumed in the sands of the Middle Eastern deserts.