recently for the second time I read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in 1948. I was wondering how urgent was the need to create this document at the time. Shortly after the bloody and cruel war in which what is forgotten concept of human rights, the world needed a breath. Themes which guided the founders were undoubtedly noble declaration. One can only regret that the document, which was became the only "international suggestion" and not international law that can be enforced. Subsequent decades have shown how flexible they can be the states which formed the backbone of the United Nations. Their decisions are rarely undertaken with a view of man. The most important is the national interest, which in a wider perspective, it becomes very dangerous trend. If, on the fact you can forget about a particular voting purposes for which the UN set up (It may be recalled as a little over a year ago the U.S. blocked a resolution calling on Israel and Hamas to cease their hostilities. As a result of the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip turned into a humanitarian disaster zone. During nearly three-week operation Cast Lead killed about 1.3 thousand Palestinians. Most of them are civilians, including at least 410 children. The Israelis lost at that time 13 people.) , why not forget about the declaration before 62 years? And, unfortunately, often it is. Basic human rights are violated in an absolutely transparent manner.
"No one shall be subjected to torture or punish, or treated in cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment." - Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. " - Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
" Everyone is entitled in full equality to the determination of his rights and obligations and the merits charge against him of committing a crime to be fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. " - Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
as looking at these articles claim to the existence of Guantanamo Bay prison, or perhaps the camp? Naming in principle does not play a major role. I do not want to leave a supporter of freedom for terrorists. In no way agree to it with my outlook, but I believe that everyone deserves a fair trial. Perhaps international crimes should be tried before the same tribunal (international), but you certainly can not condone the illegal detention and torture people. If there were detained as dangerous people, it probably would not be a problem with the proof of their sins and condemnation to the highest penalty ...
can remain silent on the terrorists, but as you can react this way to receive the basic rights of civilians in the Gaza Strip? Last week is a good time to talk about how the Palestinian Authority a year after Israel's invasion of ground troops. Lock the borders by the year they apply to the Palestinians is the recent murderous aggressor. Palestine receives ruined in this way, the right to economic reconstruction. Throughout the previous year, the Israelis have allowed 41 trucks to enter the building materials needed to rebuild homes razed to the ground. It is estimated that to rebuild the Gaza Strip need for these trucks thousand. At this rate, therefore it will take another 23 years, hoping that it does not explode for another conflict.
'World (...) power failed, betrayed and even ordinary citizens of Gaza. (...) Broke his hands and seemed to claim, but have not made the least significant steps to try to change the destructive policies to prevent reconstruction, nabraniu forces and economic recovery. " - said the executive director of the international humanitarian organization Oxfam, Jeremy Hobbs.
After one year ago failed to stem the tide of aggression, the Palestinians again left to fend for themselves. UN agency for refugee assistance alerted by the BBC recently reported that inadequate access to clean water is a direct threat to human life. Increasing infant mortality rate. What about the fact that the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calls for improving the situation in Gaza? In his speech on the anniversary of the end of the war wrote:
"Hopelessness dominates among 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, half of whom are younger than 18 years (...) fundamentally different approach to the issue of Gaza is urgent and necessary ".
Still are words that do not involve actions. Global security and basic human rights are now guaranteed by the Organization, which was created to not care. The system, which was created 24 October 1945 does not work. In my opinion, the validity of the UN has passed several years ago. Currently, this organization wandering in the dark, on the one hand, unable to cope with the demands placed in front of her tasks, the other not having the courage to admit it. Probably much easier to leave the faulty system, than to create new on such a large scale. But, as in this all have to find people? Is the only solution is to pray in the womb, that she lived in a safe part of the world?
invite you to read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its entirety here . This is not a long read. To complement the right side you can watch video of the birth of human rights throughout the history of the human species.
Caricature of course refers to the United Nations, which in English is called the United Nations. Click on it to see enlarged.
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