Travel Exhibition concerns .... This is the half-day trip to Krakow to see the items on the market caravaningowym and meet interesting people.
In Krakow caravanning at the fair was the first time and as you can see the pictures in addition to rentals, business accessories and companies that sell trailers and campers and Caravanning Polish editorial was also an exhibition about the off-road vehicles, tools, accessories and 4x4, was a company that produces body camping cars 4x4 (was presented MAN, IVECO (slide 2) and Mercedes (photos 1) - 4x4 camper vans), the company showed cross car camping (photo 11), since it itself apart from rentals, sales and accessory body began to build homes. Beautiful, but expensive campers showed MOBILVETTA. You could see it offer NIEWIADÓW (Photo 7 shows a trailer so far produced for export, now it is available in Poland - 4os DMC 1300). Interesting, too, were the car przeprawowe members who came to the Fair and at the rally. You can also was to see tenders for the sale of private individuals, and of course campers to see exactly what these cars.
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